一点伦理道德都没有 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 欧美剧 1991



S7, Ep1
  8 Jan. 2019 Nightmares of Neutron Stars
  Neutron stars are strange and violent phenomena that defy the laws of physics, and new discoveries reveal that these bizarre nightmares are far more deadly than previously believed, with the power to destroy planets and even other stars.
  When Supernovas Strike S7, Ep2
  15 Jan. 2019 When Supernovas Strike
  Supernovas are the violent death of giant stars, and new discoveries reveal that these cataclysmic events create the elements that are essential to all life in the universe.
  The Interstellar Mysteries S7, Ep3
  22 Jan. 2019 The Interstellar Mysteries
  Discoveries about interstellar space, the space between the universe's stars, reveal that it's not empty and unremarkable as previously thought, but filled with weird objects and strange phenomena that might hold the darkest secrets of the cosmos.
  How Black Holes Made Us S7, Ep4
  29 Jan. 2019 How Black Holes Made Us
  Black holes are not the violent monsters people think they are, and new discoveries reveal that they might have been essential to creating stars, giving light, and building the universe itself.
  Secret World of Nebulas S7, Ep5
  5 Feb. 2019 Secret World of Nebulas
  Nebulas are the strange structures of cosmic gas and dust where stars are born and die, and new discoveries reveal the secrets of these mysterious places.
  Did the Big Bang Really Happen? S7, Ep6
  12 Feb. 2019 Did the Big Bang Really Happen?
  New discoveries are causing astronomers to question if the Big Bang really happened, and using the latest science, they investigate if it wasn't just the start of our universe but many mysterious multiverses.
  Battle of the Dark Universe. S7, Ep7
  19 Feb. 2019 Battle of the Dark Universe.
  Dark matter and dark energy are locked in an epic battle for control of the cosmos, and the winner will determine the fate of the universe. New discoveries might reveal which force will emerge victorious.
  Hunt for Alien Life S7, Ep8
  26 Feb. 2019 Hunt for Alien Life
  The latest discoveries suggest that we might be on the verge of discovering life beyond our planet, and scientists are investigating if earth's life began elsewhere in the universe, and whether we need to evolve to know for sure.
  Finding the New Earth S7, Ep9
  5 Mar. 2019 Finding the New Earth
  New discoveries have revealed thousands of exoplanets beyond the solar system. Some resemble earth enough that one could be a new home for humanity. Even with cutting-edge technology, finding the perfect one is the scientific challenge of the age.
  Cassini's Final Secrets S7, Ep10
  12 Mar. 2019 Cassini's Final Secrets
  For twenty years, NASA's Cassini spacecraft revealed the strange secrets of Saturn until it vaporized in its atmosphere in a blaze of glory. But today its legacy lives on, as fresh data from the probe helps scientists make brand-new discoveries.


  • 卫明娟 5小时前 :


  • 吉锟 5小时前 :


  • 卫明娟 2小时前 :

    整体曲调真的活泼轻快 西班牙的热情特点一下子就上来了 仿佛都已经感受到了西班牙的炙热 而此剧场版相对缓慢些 更多的去说俩人互相坦诚心也越靠越近的过程 我们不再不说却以为对方懂 而是表达自己的想法 承认爱让我们变得脆弱又坚强的事实 然后一起为了永远在一起而努力 也坚定的告诉对方 即使短暂分别 但我一定会回来的 不过我真的好想看卯坂和在须这条支线啊 快给我拍啊

  • 习芳芳 3小时前 :


  • 夏侯薇歌 9小时前 :


  • 仲孙浩涆 9小时前 :


  • 凌季萌 6小时前 :


  • 五玉韵 5小时前 :


  • 拱初蝶 0小时前 :

    目前来看是网大最高水准线,已经超越了很多院线,笑点泪点燃点全在线 ,设计的游戏骚操作实在秀到我 ,不管是通过坐进车子 避开其他车子撞击再 从另一边下车杀人,还是用箭弩无声杀人 ,再是换id 诱敌 ,到高潮用3个空投引战连杀 30个人头 ,再到最最高潮点平底锅互干,光从剧本就能看出,导演真的很认真的在了解这个游戏 ,而且幽默感是与生俱来的,演技全在线,尤其是小孩 ,除了男女主的感情线略微生硬外,父子情的部分可以说达到满分。

  • 告凝海 4小时前 :


  • 斛乐家 5小时前 :

    7.3 看得挺快乐(电影世界里总是更宽容更轻松,现实是,看到“敞开”一词,都会慌张到心跳慢半拍

  • 俊采 0小时前 :


  • 强运 9小时前 :


  • 恭温茂 0小时前 :


  • 明柔 5小时前 :


  • 别运菱 2小时前 :


  • 彩薇 7小时前 :


  • 勤书萱 8小时前 :


  • 巴运珹 9小时前 :

    如果不会做舞蹈画面,很简单,那就别出舞蹈主题啊!!!什么玩意儿,敷衍得很。好消息是美术好了一丢丢,黑线阴影没了,坏消息是剧情还是一样得拉🥲童年好友一上来就对男主各种insulting,准太管都不管… 极度厌恶这种类似于雌竞的桥段。

  • 房锐精 0小时前 :



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