未来之食全食美 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 记录片 2004

导演: George Alagiah


  Future of Food In the past year, we have seen food riots on three continents, food inflation has rocketed and experts predict that by 2050, if things don't change, we will see mass starvation across the world. This film sees George Alagiah travel the world in search of solutions to the growing global food crisis. From the two women working to make their Yorkshire market town self-sufficient to the academic who claims it could be better for the environment to ship in lamb from New Zealand, George Alagiah meets the people who believe they know how we should feed the world as demand doubles by the middle of the century.
  George joins a Masai chief among the skeletons of hundreds of cattle he has lost to climate change and the English farmer who tells him why food production in the UK is also hit. He spends a day eating with a family in Cuba to find out how a future oil shock could lead to dramatic adjustments to diets. He visits the breadbasket of India to meet the farmer who now struggles to irrigate his land as water tables drop, and finds out why obesity is spiralling out of control in Mexico.
  Back in Britain, George investigates what is wrong with people's diets, and discovers that the UK imports an average of 3000 litres of water per capita every day. He talks to top nutritionist Susan Jebb, DEFRA minister Hilary Benn and Nobel laureate Rajendra Pachauri to uncover what the future holds for our food.
  George heads out to India to discover how a changing diet in the developing world is putting pressure on the world's limited food resources. He finds out how using crops to produce fuel is impacting on food supplies across the continents. George then meets a farmer in Kent, who is struggling to sell his fruit at a profit, and a British farmer in Kenya who is shipping out tonnes of vegetables for our supermarket shelves. He also examines why so many people are still dying of hunger after decades of food aid.
  Back in the UK, George challenges the decision-makers with the facts he has uncovered - from Oxfam head of research Duncan Green to Sainsbury's boss Justin King. He finds out why British beef may offer a model for future meat production and how our appetite for fish is stripping the world's seas bare.
  In the final episode George Alagiah heads out to Havana to find out how they are growing half of their fruit and vegetables right in the heart of the city, investigates the 'land-grabs' trend - where rich countries lease or buy up the land used by poor farmers in Africa - and meets the Indian agriculturalists who have almost trebled their yields over the course of a decade.
  George finds out how we in this country are using cutting-edge science to extend the seasons recycle our food waste and even grow lettuce in fish tanks to guarantee the food on our plates.
  He hears the arguments about genetically modified food and examines even more futuristic schemes to get the food on to our plates.


  • 商绮烟 5小时前 :

    其实除了个别人物动机有点模糊之外,每场戏的质感和氛围都还挺好的,而150分钟的时长也不算什么严重的障碍。问题似乎在于,Guillermo del Toro过分沉溺于每个角色和每场戏的得失,反而让整部电影的重心和节奏出现了一点问题。砍掉一些拍得不错却并非必要的戏份虽然有些可惜,但毕竟还是值得的。

  • 张廖良工 7小时前 :


  • 卫昱乔 0小时前 :

    C+ / 拥有极长的前戏,但伴随着后续发展又开始想念前戏的那种奇幻色彩和神秘气氛,至少是出格的,并非封闭式的怀旧。

  • 伟辞 9小时前 :


  • 呼延柔惠 1小时前 :


  • 庚天蓉 6小时前 :


  • 壬英光 7小时前 :


  • 买绿海 4小时前 :

    陀螺美学收藏巡演的又一场眼花缭乱怪谈秀,极致奇诡饱和的元素堆叠犹如心灵骗术的戏法掩盖翻拍故事的陈腐和无味。心理治疗和读心骗局之辩照进电影初衷影像造梦的意义,童话和传说的「移情」正作用于阴影滋长的Film Noir发生。开头极尽炫技的作者风格奇观穿梭和其后生硬切割的续篇存在难以平滑过渡的突兀,无论是闪回拼接的童年创伤还是喧闹马戏当中气若游丝的时代背景都未能如愿化生,反而终幕时分雪地召灵的素手鲜血,红衣白雪令人了悟这不过是终其一生从怪物之中挖掘魔法解密灵魂的漫长童年,始终痴恋追寻猩红山峰之后再度试炼的完美造物。梦魇暗巷是越走越黑没有出口的迷宫,而启示过于直白易测:宿命轮回的怪圈囚禁心魔,真正的怪物是不愿面对的堕落自我,是原欲一般无法逃离的男性冲动:于情欲和酒精的恶魔交媾孕育最为恐怖的嘉年华鬼屋。

  • 宇星 8小时前 :

    People are desperate to be seen.

  • 匡芳馥 4小时前 :


  • 全优瑗 3小时前 :


  • 依香雪 6小时前 :


  • 天可心 0小时前 :


  • 庚泽惠 0小时前 :


  • 明采南 8小时前 :

    我甚至觉得,最后片中男主说“mister, I was born for it (geek).” 有点作者自己的影子。

  • 嘉凡 6小时前 :

    凌晨两点写玉面情魔的评论,也算是对得起它了。陀螺于我是喜忧参半的存在。他的作品鄙人从未给过极高的分数,这一次仍旧一样。原因在于它作品的起伏线总是达不到想要的点,总是一副暗爽的样子。这情况受众必有特定人群,但不是我! 回到影片,胎死腹中、死胎标本、怪胎吃鸡、乾坤轮回,故事营造的悬疑与震慑力很棒。但仿佛总是有那么一丝泄气,结尾意外被抓包后,仅有那么一点点精彩。两个半小时,坚持下来美术占据了很重要的位置。服化道是顶级的。鲁妮·玛拉与布兰切特都不错。库珀更好,因为这角色看的让我有点烦他(哈,这是什么理由) 之前陀螺靠《水形物语》搂了一堆小金人,这次咱也不能说够呛,毕竟前车之鉴在这!原版1947年的影片没看过,无法参照物般的表述,不过作为陀螺的一部影片,还是好看的。我只能说对于奇情片,陀螺真是另一路!

  • 抗半青 1小时前 :


  • 卫华哲 1小时前 :


  • 彩岚 3小时前 :


  • 卫昱乔 3小时前 :



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