主角叫唐正的小说 免费 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 爱情片 2005

导演: Katie Aselton


The Freebie centers on Darren (Shepard) and Annie (Aselton), a young married couple with an enviable relationship built on love trust and communication. Darren and Annie still enjoy each other’s company and laugh at each other’s jokes, but, unfortunately, they can’t remember the last time they had sex. When a dinner party conversation leads to an honest discussion about the state of their love life, and when a sexy bikini photo shoot leads to crossword puzzles instead of sex, they begin to flirt with a way to spice things up. The deal: one night of freedom, no strings attached, no questions asked. Could a freebie be the cure for their ailing sex life? And will they go through with it? With a keen eye and fresh take, Aselton’s directorial debut shines with crisp storytelling and fine-tuned performances. THE Freebie is an insightful and humorous look at love, sustaining relationships , and the awkwardness of monogamy when the haze of lust has faded.


  • 芳菡 6小时前 :


  • 邗山雁 3小时前 :

    冬日看电影,原著打底外加影片中浪漫的bgm,相当小资情调。小清新中带限制级,吻戏& sex都脸红心跳, Enemies to Lovers💓 ‘So, it turns out love and hate aren’t as similar as I thought . Sure, they both get your blood pumping and make you want to do crazy things to someone else’s body. But when you love someone, and I mean really love someone, even when you fight, you’re still on the same team. ‘

  • 琬锦 5小时前 :


  • 颖橘 3小时前 :


  • 贵琪睿 9小时前 :


  • 盛雅安 6小时前 :


  • 橘彤 9小时前 :


  • 郁映菡 0小时前 :

    对驱魔电影无抵抗力 片中鬼一惊一乍的倒是有点看疲惫了。

  • 线秀慧 2小时前 :


  • 茂思凡 1小时前 :

    看的很开心的浪漫爱情轻喜剧~ 男女主角帅的和美的都刚刚好,chemistry也刚刚好,非常棒的改编了

  • 笪水蕊 5小时前 :


  • 滑雨凝 3小时前 :

    我现在看都市chick flick真的只会想他们怎么付得起那种公寓的房租啊……

  • 栋文 8小时前 :


  • 锦静 6小时前 :


  • 西门彦芝 5小时前 :

    OMG, though the plot is cliche and cold, but i have to say i am really enjoy the movie, enjoy BGM, the stupid sweet love story and adorable Lucy, maybe because i used to date with a girl just same as Lucy, especially the height and face~

  • 鹤杉 9小时前 :

    驱魔全靠吼啊 上帝和恶魔互吼 谁肺活量好谁赢 事实证明上帝肺活量还是强👍

  • 贾菊月 0小时前 :


  • 释幻翠 7小时前 :


  • 林宜人 0小时前 :

    我要用撒旦尼克大拳把这个电影的导演无编剧全部咋烂 一分滚蛋

  • 永学义 4小时前 :



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